State of Georgia Personhood Amendment Petition

Georgians Ending Abortion has launched a Personhood Amendment petition to urge Governor Brian Kemp to convene a special session of the Georgia General Assembly to pass an amendment to Georgia's Constitution. This amendment would recognize the paramount right to life of all human beings as persons at any stage of development from fertilization to natural death.

Immediate action is needed.  No one knows what the outcome of future elections will be, and we do not have any assurance that pro-personhood leaders will be elected to serve. In fact, several thousand preborn children may be legally murdered in our state before the beginning of the next regularly scheduled session.

As pro-lifers, we have been told that we must accept morally flawed legislation with discriminatory exceptions. We have been told it is the best we can hope to achieve in the current political climate, even though Georgia has so-called pro-life laws on the books. Thankfully, we do have alternatives. The Personhood Amendment is an example of a law that protects innocent human beings' right to life from fertilization to natural death, without any form of discrimination, regardless of ethnicity, age, degree of disability, manner of conception, or circumstances surrounding a terminal illness.

As well, the Supreme Court decision on Dobbs paves the way for Georgians to take bold, decisive action and leave no child vulnerable to death by abortion. By enacting a Personhood Amendment to the state’s constitution, we will lay the foundation to protect all innocent human life, from fertilization to natural death with no exceptions. This is the pivotal opportunity we’ve been praying and working for — to do everything in our power to protect hundreds of thousands of innocent lives.

Such an amendment will end the senseless killing in Georgia. It will provide protection, equal justice, and equal rights for all innocent human life at any stage of development, regardless of the level of dependency, physical or mental ability, medical prognosis, manner of conception, age, ethnicity, or potential contributions to society of an individual. 

This is our historic opportunity to advance a Personhood Amendment in the state of Georgia to put an end to the scourge of elective abortions in this state—and be a light to other states across the country and around the world.

By signing this petition, you are declaring and affirming the following to Governor Brian Kemp: “As a 100% pro-life American, I ask you to withdraw your support of any legislation that discriminates against a class of human beings and to instead support legislation that protects all innocent human beings from the earliest biological beginning through natural death."

*By signing this petition you are also giving Georgia Right to Life permission to keep you informed of future efforts via phone, social media, mail, and email.

The Petition wording:

To: Governor Kemp: 

Whereas, the Supreme Court has overturned Roe v Wade, and 

Whereas, as was reported by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution you stated in 2019 that, “All life has value, all life matters and all life is worthy of protection” and,

Whereas, in response to a 2012 non-binding GOP primary question sixty-six percent of voters expressed support for amending the state constitution to grant the “paramount right to life” to all innocent human beings from their earliest biological beginning until natural death; and

Whereas, innocent preborn Georgia children may be legally murdered even with Georgia's 6-week abortion regulation because of the broad exceptions it contains;

Therefore, we urge you to support the Georgia General Assembly in passing an amendment to the state constitution which states:

Article I, Section I of the Constitution is amended by adding a new paragraph to read as follows:

“Paramount right to life. This state shall recognize the paramount right to life of all human beings as persons at any stage of development from fertilization to natural death.”

Contact: For more information, please contact us via email at or by telephone at (770) 339-6880.


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